Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It's 3AM and I am standing in the darkness of my apartment. I hear a quiet laughter emanating from two people walking by outside. Quiet light barefoot footsteps sneak through the apartment above me. pit pat pit pat I tracked the sound of the girl upstairs. She walked into her kitchen and I heard the faucet run for a moment. Then her soft sounds were drowned out by a grunt and a rustle from my roommate's nearby room.  The room falls silent again. Softly a girls moan is heard in his room. It slowly crescendos, though there is a strange overtone of boredom to the moaning. Her moans quickly dwindle to pianissimo and then to silence.

Sitting outside I close my eyes. The silence of the night bears down on me. I hear soft high heeled footsteps at a distance. Twigs rustle as small animals scurry by. A soft woosh as a breeze rolls by. The sudden loud grind and buzz of the nearby AC unit abrasively assaults my ears. The air conditioning noise takes over as the background of the night. The click click click click of a bicycle starts soft at a distance and grows louder as it passes me. The sound stops and I hear the klink of a chain as the bike is locked up. Then the beeeeep, beep beep of the electronic door locks to the building sound. One long, two short. The door then crashes to a close. The world goes yet again silent. with only the constant buzz of the air conditioner to keep me company.

My apartment is quiet, it's the middle of the day. An electrical noise emerges from my laptop. A lawnmower trundles by outside. Brrrbrbrbrrbrrr, it makes an irritating din. Just as it fades away, the washing machine springs to life into a rinse cycle, it sounds like a fire hose is spraying down the laundry room. Theres comical screaming and laughter from above me followed by crashes and footsteps that sound like thunder. The girls in 314 seem to be having the WWIII of tickle fights. The A/C clicks and abruptly erupts sounding like the mooing from a cow made of wind.

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